24/7 Product Tracking
What to expect from the NAFG vehicle tracking system
For any other inquiries
Sales/Quote inquiry: Fleet@NationalAutoFleetGroup.com
Status Inquiry: ETA@NationalAutoFleetGroup.com
Accounts Payable/Receivable: Office@NationalAutoFleetGroup.com
Payment/Deliveries: Davidd@NationalAutoFleetGroup.com
Vehicle Paperwork: Office@NationalAutoFleetGroup.com
Phase 1: On Order
Order is accepted by manufacturer. Please allow 6-8 weeks for MFR to schedule assembly.
Phase 2: Scheduled
Vehicle is scheduled to be assembled. Please allow 2-3 weeks for Assembling to begin.
Phase 3: Assembling
Please allow manufacturer 2-3 weeks to assemble vehicle (s)
Phase 4: In Transit to Facility
Please allow 2-4 weeks for vehicle transit to arrive at installer or processing facility.
Installer Time: TBD by Installer; Refer to upfit contact.
Phase 5: At Installer or Holding Facility
All preparations will be finalized.
Phase 6: Delivered
Thank you for your vehicle purchase!
We look forward to your next order.